The AMH level indicates the functional status of the ovaries.

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DHEAS is a weak androgen, meaning a male sex hormone, that is secreted from the adrenal cortex.
Estradiol is the most important estrogen, or female sex hormone. Its levels affect mood, sexuality, and reproductive ability.
The Stockholm3 examination assesses the risk of prostate cancer. The examination is primarily suitable for men aged 50–70.
Follicle Stimulating Hormone, or FSH, affects the levels of sex hormones, estrogen and testosterone, and the menstrual cycle. The test is taken at the beginning of the natural menstrual cycle (days 3-5 of the cycle). When using hormonal contraceptives (e.g., birth control pills, mini-pills, or contraceptive implants), the result does not reflect the body's normal hormonal function. It is recommended to conduct the test at least 4 weeks after stopping the use of contraceptives.
Testosterone is men’s most important sex hormone. The free testosterone test shows the level of active, free testosterone in the bloodstream. Includes tests for total testosterone (S-Testo), free testosterone (S-Testo-VL) and SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin).
Cortisol is measured when there is a suspicion of excessive or insufficient cortisol secretion, which are medical conditions. Overactivity (hypercortisolism) causes, for example, Cushing's disease, and underactivity (hypocortisolism) causes, for example, Addison's disease.
PSA is a protein produced by prostate cells, and its concentration increases with age and can rise in association with prostate diseases.
The parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone, which regulates the body's calcium balance.
Progesterone, also known as the corpus luteum hormone, is important for a woman's fertility. It enables the onset of pregnancy and protects the normal progression of pregnancy.
Prolaktin (PRL), eller mjölkhormon, är ett hormon som produceras av hypofysen.